I have met few people who have visited Japan and not been blown away by the experience. The experience I think is enough to convert the most ardent nationalist, racist to concede some ground. I say that because I've seen it happen. It usually takes a week or two. Japan is particularly special because it is so DIFFERENT from the West, and of course it has the appeal of being a large population, clean, organised, friendly, safe and always interesting. Everything on the surface is where it should be. You can buy a home there, pay as little as $US300 a year in taxes, not even have to worry about insurance.
Westerners are allowed to stay in Japan for 90 days, and its easy to fly to Korea for a weekend for an extension. I have a better way. Get a Japan Rail Pass, or several of them, and travel to Fukuoka and get a RETURN ferry to Pusan (South Korea). There are some great capsule hotels in Fukuoka you need to check out as well.
In my 20s, when I first arrived in Japan, I was fascinated by the people, loved the modern architecture (with its emphasis on function over style), the food and the girls. I've since lost interest in the girls. Very polite, fun to be with, but not very ambitious or interesting for me. I know there are exceptions. All the smart ones I met seem to have hang ups. But if I was in my 20s again, I'd be spending more time there. Maybe even my 30s. :) I think Japan is an experience that all Western people need to have. Not because they need to learn a better way of living, but because they might reflect on their own culture with a different perspective.
What would I want them to learn?
1. How China/Japan are not becoming more Westernised, the West is becoming more collectivist.
2. The importance of good organisation. That kids going to 'cram school' are not necessarily repressed, they might actually enjoy the experience of being with friends.
3. Food ought to be bought for quality, not super-sized on volume
4. The person with the biggest house in the street is not the most successful
5. The cost of collectivism is the mindlessness evident in Japan - they are just better organised
Philippine Real Estate Guide
Foreclosed Japan Guide
Andrew Sheldon
Applied Critical Thinking | www.SheldonThinks.com